Viima Communication Toolkit
Helping you plan & implement the communications for your innovation program
Communications matter
Communication is not exactly rocket science, but it is often the difference between successful and failed innovation programs.
So, whether you're launching a new innovation program, or simply want to make the most out of your current one, communications are important for succeeding at these efforts. That's why we've put together this toolkit.
This Toolkit Contains:
- A 29-slide presentation walking you through the key points & best practices for succeeding at communications related to innovation, as well as the process for planning those efforts
- 2 Canvases that help you plan your communications from top to bottom
- 6 Email Templates that you can take into use right away, and that you can use as a basis for a large portion of your communication efforts
- Ready to use PowerPoint or PDF templates for all of the above!
The Toolkit will help you:
- Understand the keys to successful communication
- Get things done with actionable tools & templates
- Understand what to focus on in the process
Feel free to share this toolkit with your colleagues!
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